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About Keim USA


Enhance your project with long-lasting mineral paints

Mineral silicate paints are the longest lasting finishes for concrete and masonry of all types with colors that simply do not fade.

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Keim mineral paints are used worldwide in a wide variety of construction projects. You can search by type of project, products used, or locations on our site. While our site features many domestic projects, we also include a selection of featured projects from around the world to provide you with the most project inspiration. Our project gallery features our favorite or most unique projects. If you have a specific project need and cannot find a reference project here, please let us know, and we can search our database and provide you with further information. You can reach us at

KEIM-USA was incorporated in North Carolina, USA in 2007.

Today, KEIM services customers in all 50 states, Canada, and the Caribbean. Please contact us for projects/services outside this area.

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The llot Saint-Urbain residential and commercial development is in the heart of Strasbourg, France. The multifunction complex consists of eight buildings, each clad in different colors, unifying the design and contrasting with the surrounding landscape.

Project Summary

Ilot Sain-Urbain
Strasbourg, France

The project aimed to transform a real estate complex into an insular destination but still connected to the rest of the historic city. The project explores identity and collective memory and responds to it using a unique color scheme. Color is a background and setting for everyday life and complements the inhabitants and passersby’s vibrant social interactions.

From Keim: To achieve this, the architects turned to Keim Concretal Lasur/Stain, which offers a beautiful, long-lasting, and durable color for concrete. This product enhances raw concrete without disguising it and guarantees a lasting façade.

To learn more about this project, visit:

Learn about the products:
Concretal Lasur/Stain
Concretal W Sol Silicate Paintfor Concrete