Mineral silicate stains and pure mineral repair mortars for truly compatible restoration solutions
Professionals have been choosing Keim for over 140 years to protect some of the most important historic masonry in the world. You, too, can select mineral silicate stains that are renowned for their durability and longevity. Stains penetrate and form permanent bonds with stone masonry, and are extremely vapor permeable, which makes them ideal for decorating and preserving stone. Mineral-only repair mortars are ultimately compatible and ensure in-kind repairs that have properties to match those of native stone. From deep, structural repairs, to minor face-lifts, KEIM has you covered!
Repairs that last as long as the original stone.

KEIM Mortars are Completely Compatible
No matter the age, no matter the type of stone or masonry, KEIM has a repair mortar for every preservation project.
Mortars and grouts that are engineered to last as long as the native stone. Our mortars are compatible with specific physical properties to match the unique make-up of each type of masonry or stone. KEIM mortars are equally porous and can be finished to match most textures, and our mortars are purely mineral—we never add acrylic or synthetic ingredients.
And our mortars have over a century of proven history and heritage, ensuring your preservation projects are in good hands. Manufactured to exacting standards with only the finest natural ingredients you’ll find working with these mortars to be easy and satisfying.
Completely Compatible
KEIM products are inherently vapor permeable.
Your mortar repairs and subsequent paint or stain will never be damaged by freeze-thaw forces and you will never experience loss of adhesion, bubbling or peeling. Using only natural lime and Trass cement coupled with native aggregates, our mortars are considered as an “in-kind” repair or replacement.
KEIM transparent sol silicate stains and all our paints are incredibly vapor permeable with a minimum rating of 77 perms per ASTM E96, the standard test for water vapor transmission of building materials. Masonry surfaces will never blister or peel from moisture and water-born salts are freely dissipated from the masonry wall. Drier masonry lasts longer as trapped moisture is very damaging.

Pure Mineral, Always Breathable
Adding acrylic or synthetic bonding agents or adhesives undermines the preservation of natural stone material. These “plastic” ingredients “move” very differently than natural stone and by nature are not vapor permeable. At worst, patches made with acrylicmodified mortars can transfer stress and structural movement to other areas of the façade—causing additional cracking and damage. And patches that contain acrylics are very susceptible to freeze thaw degradation, as the patch will hold back moisture vapor. The rapid expansion and contraction of freeze thaw can create irrepaerable harm to historic masonry and stone.
Even repointing mortars and grouts should be completely breathable, to avoid damage to masonry units in the façade and should never contain acrylics or other thermoplastic by products.

KEIM mortars are purely mineral with no acrylic or artificial additives.
A true test of whether mortars contain acrylic are when a repaired façade is rained on, the repairs should darken like the adjacent stone surface. If the patch remains lighter in color—you will know that it is not permeable and will quickly degrade and fail.
No Synthetic Bonding Agents
Proven track record in stone
For more than 140 years, KEIM has been uniquely formulating natural stone repair mortars from pure mineral ingredients. No synthetic bonding additives are ever used.
And we have a repair mortar for most every need and every type of stone.
Ideal for
- Historic Brick
- Limestone and Sandstone
- Brownstone
- Bluestone
- Stucco and Plaster • Granite
- Marble
- Cast and precast Concrete
- Terra Cotta
Pure Mineral Deep Repair Mortar
Mineral-based repair mortar for larger and deeper repairs of natural stone and masonry. It contains no acrylic binders and is appropriate for historic preservation projects.
Pure Mineral Finishing Mortar
Mineral-based repair fine finishing mortar to finish Restauro Grund repairs and for thin-set stone surface repairs. It contains no acrylic binders and is appropriate for historic preservation projects.
Pure Mineral Repointing Mortar
Mineral-based repointing mortar for all types of masonry. It contains no acrylic binders and is appropriate for historic preservation projects.
Sol Silicate Transparent Stain
Sol silicate transparent mineral stain for coloring natural stone and masonry. It deeply penetrates and does not alter the feel or texture of stone, while imparting natural mineral colors that are lightfast. Ideal for blending off-color masonry repairs or to blend mismatched additions to existing masonry, especially in historic preservation projects.
Potassium Silicate Exterior Paint
Pure potassium silicate exterior mineral paint for all bare or properly primed masonry, that is vapor permeable. Provides the most “mineral” looking surface with slight variations in color tone, making it ideal for historic preservation projects. Previously acrylic-painted surfaces require the use of Contact Plus Primer.
Sol Silicate Exterior Paint
Our very best exterior sol silicate paint for any mineral surface. Self-priming on bare and previously acrylic-painted surfaces. Application properties are excellent providing a smooth, perfect finish that is vapor permeable.
Int/Ext Clear Masonry Consolidant
Pure potassium silicate fixative and hardener for all types of interior and exterior porous masonry. It mildly consolidates and hardens aged stone, stucco, brick, and concrete. Use it on interior brick and masonry to eliminate dusting. Crystal clear, it dries to an invisible finish with no gloss.
Penetrating Water Repellent Finish
100% active ingredient silane, water-based penetrating clear water repellent for all types of masonry. Deeply penetrates to stop water intrusion by interrupting the natural capillary action of masonry. Long-lasting and UV resistant for up to 10 years of performance. Dries to an invisible finish with no gloss.
PSS 20
Reversible Graffiti Protective Finish
A completely biodegradable clear protective finish for a variety of surfaces. Based on plant starch, it is completely reversible and is considered a sacrificial graffiti finish. Once cleaned, PSS 20 must be reapplied for continued protection. It dries clear with a low-satin sheen.
Int/Ext Permanent Clear Matte
Deeply penetrates porous masonry and mineral surfaces for heavy-duty clear protection of floors and walls. Permanent graffiti protection for 10 years, this finish is durable enough for traffic. Dries to an invisible finish with no gloss.
Int/Ext Permanent Glossy Protection
Deeply penetrates porous masonry and mineral surfaces for glossy, heavy-duty protection of floors and walls. Permanent graffiti protection for 10 years, this finish is durable enough for foot traffic. Dries clear with a high gloss finish.